June 24, 2023

Certified self-containment is the process of ensuring that your motor caravan or caravan complies with the New Zealand Standard for Self-Containment of Motor Caravans and Caravans, NZS 5465:2001. This standard, which can be downloaded here and, provides guidelines for maintaining and certifying your vehicle.
A certified self-contained vehicle is capable of meeting the ablutionary and sanitary needs of its occupants for a minimum of three days without relying on external services or discharging waste. Instead, the vehicle’s wastewater is safely disposed of at approved dump stations, which can be found in most camping grounds and public areas. Recently the act has changed to help improve clean up the New Zealand freedom camping image. The changes will have a large impact on the industry and can be listed below:
- Changes to the locations where freedom camping is permitted generally freedom camping is now restricted to local authority land only if your vehicle holds a certification as self-contained.
- All campers equipped with portable toilets, as per the new regulations, are no longer eligible for self-containment certification.
- Changes to infringement fees and fines – increases for fines from $200 to $1,000 for those who don’t obey the rules
Although there have been changes to the self containment rules for freedom campers, the rules for the following have not changed
- Camping in tents
- Camping in vehicles at commercial campsites
- Camping in vehicles on private land
Download the key changes flyer here
For more information on the changes please visit mbie.govt.nz